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By shopping local businesses, you help the Plano community by contributing to local jobs and revenue that help you directly. You have a choice, but shopping local in Plano, Texas is the only choice that will pay you back. At webKnow, we are committed to connecting local Plano businesses to their community through our Local Business Directory Listings. If you are a Plano business owner, we can assist you by driving more prospects to your company and website, or even help design a cutting-edge website. Please visit our Local Business Resource page to learn how we can help your business grow.

Alive is a results-driven marketing agency that specializes in digital innovation. They are dedicated to helping consumer-centric businesses achieve success through their marketing solutions. Since their inception, Alive has been committed to discovering robust solutions that propel business metrics and drive tangible growth for their clients. With each passing year, they deepen their expertise and establish themselves as a trusted digital ally for businesses looking to accelerate their success.

Alive offers a wide range of services and specialties to cater to the diverse needs of their clients. Some of their specialties include AI (Artificial Intelligence) Alive Intelligence, which combines data analysis, predictive analytics, and expert insights to empower brands in superior marketing strategies; C2 (Context Connects), a dynamic solution that enables brands to effectively understand and engage with their audiences through contextual behavior analysis on social media; ACE (Alive Content Engine), which streamlines the creation and distribution of diverse marketing content across various channels; and OmniChannel Optimizer, which integrates digital and traditional channels with targeted messaging for optimized sales across physical and online platforms.

Throughout their history, Alive has served a diverse portfolio of brands in various industries such as Michaels, Kirkland's, Wilhelmina Models, Greyhound, and ZTE. After a brief hiatus, the company was brought back to life in 2022, working with brands like Universal Whisky Experience, The Gatehouse, and Kirkland's Home. With their expertise and unique marketing solutions, Alive aims to help clients increase top-line figures while driving sustainable success.

The agency is led by experienced partners such as Anthony Price, Chris Hershberger (Founder & Partner), and Nick Henderson. They have received positive feedback from clients who have witnessed significant improvements in areas such as brand revamp, digital marketing turnaround within short timelines, thought-leadership enhancement through content creation resulting in substantial lead generation.

Overall, Alive focuses on leveraging innovation to empower businesses by fostering growth and unleashing potential. Through their holistic approach that combines business, marketing, design, and technology, they craft experiences that resonate with audiences and deliver measurable results.