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Cape Cod Tick & Mosquito is a division of Greenstuff Lawncare, Inc., which has been in business since 1991. The company was founded in Western Massachusetts and later expanded to Cape Cod. The founder of the company contracted Lyme Disease in 2008 while working around the house, which led to a strong commitment to protecting families from tick and mosquito-borne diseases.

What sets Cape Cod Tick & Mosquito apart is their approach to treatment. They use a very low concentration, high volume spray, which minimizes drift caused by wind and reduces the risk of harm to non-target insects like bees. In contrast, some competitors use a backpack sprayer with a high concentration, low volume approach that is more prone to drift and poses a higher risk to non-target insects.

The company is licensed by the State of Massachusetts to apply pesticides responsibly and with an environmentally conscious approach. They also offer organic alternatives for those who prefer pesticide-free options.

To learn more about Cape Cod Tick & Mosquito's services or sign up for tick and mosquito control, customers can visit their website or contact them directly.