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Local Businesses in Birmingham, Michigan
Adobe Fine Dining
✅ webKnow Trusted Business • abodefinedining.comAbode Fine Dining, founded by talented chefs Mike Eckles and Marcus D'Onofrio, offers a luxurious culinary experience right in the comfort of your home. Read more…
Birmingham, MI -
Birmingham Skin & Hair Aesthetics
Birmingham Skin & Hair Aesthetics (BSHA) is owned and operated by Nanette Nawrot, PA-C, and Irina Kushelman, PA-C. Both Nanette and Irina are licensed physician assistants with extensive experience in various medical specialties, including dermatology, radiology, and emergency medicine. Read more…
📍 751 Chestnut St, Birmingham, MI 48009 -
MainStreet Design Build
MainStreet Design Build is a full-service design-build firm based in Birmingham, MI, offering home remodeling services in Birmingham and its nearby areas. Read more…
📍 555 S Old Woodward Ave, Birmingham, MI 48009